Helping You Achieve Lasting Recovery


In the News: Drug Dealers Using Dating Apps to Sell Drugs

Reading Time: 4 MinutesSocial media apps such as Snapchat have a long history of being used to buy and sell drugs. However, another trend has emerged in recent years: using popular dating apps to push illegal substances.  While dating apps are supposed to be a place to find love, they are no stranger to controversy. Studies published in […]

The Prevalence of Depression Following a Traumatic Brain Injury

Reading Time: 3 MinutesDepression is a common complication that occurs after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Studies show that approximately 50% of individuals with a traumatic brain injury will experience depression in the first year, and nearly two-thirds of individuals with a traumatic brain injury will experience depression within seven years after the injury. Depression is a long-term […]

Newsweek Ranks Akua Mind and Body as one of the Best Addiction Treatment Centers in California for Fourth Consecutive Year

Reading Time: 2 MinutesAKUA Mind and Body Women’s Residential Treatment Center ranked as one of California’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers 2023 Report NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, August 16, 2023, AKUA Mind and Body Women’s Residential Treatment Center was ranked top in the 2023 California’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers report. For the 4th consecutive year, Newsweek has partnered with global market research firm […]

Sober Living vs. Residential Treatment, What’s the Difference?

Reading Time: 3 MinutesProfessional levels of care for addiction treatment vary in terms of time and intensity of treatment. Treatment intensity ranges from inpatient hospitalization and residential treatment to intensive outpatient and outpatient day treatment, but how does sober living fit into this spectrum?  What is residential treatment? Residential treatment is specialized inpatient treatment in a 24-hour non-hospital […]

Are You Fueling Your Body for Healing?

Reading Time: 4 MinutesThe Role of Nutrition in Addiction Recovery We are what we eat, meaning how we nourish our bodies makes a difference in our overall mental and physical health. Individuals struggling with an alcohol or substance use disorder generally have poor nutrition, which can lead to medical complications and hurdles in their recovery. For example, malnutrition […]

Early Warning Signs of Depression

Reading Time: 3 MinutesMajor depressive disorder is a mental health disorder listed under the category of mood disorders. Symptoms range from sadness, changes in sleep and appetite, and low energy to problems with concentration, feelings of guilt, and suicidal ideations. Before these symptoms develop and interfere with daily living, there are warning signs that may be present. Alcohol […]

Substance Use Disorder vs. Dependency

Reading Time: 3 MinutesMany individuals often interchangeably use the terms “dependency and substance use disorder.” Although these terms share some commonalities, they are not the same and should always be differentiated, especially in the treatment setting. Defining substance abuse Substance use disorder is the formal medical term for addiction. It is defined as the compulsive misuse of a […]

The Dangers of BORG Drinking

Reading Time: 3 MinutesBORG drinking is going viral on TikTok and is becoming increasingly popular on college campuses. This intensified form of binge drinking is an acronym for “blackout rage gallon.” The gallon drink is a mixture of water, alcohol, sweet flavorings, and some hangover remedy, such as Liquid I.V. or Pedialyte. Instead of drinking out of cups, […]

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