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Understanding Opioid Addiction

AKUA and Heroin Addiction

AKUA and Opioid Addiction

Recovery from opiate addiction starts with Opiate detox. It is best if one goes through the treatment for Opiate addiction under proper medical care and guidance so that they can ease the painful withdrawal symptoms and help the individual achieve sobriety.

At Akua Mind Body, we provide holistic treatment programs combining the time-tested traditions of the East with the scientific approach of the West to help our clients safely beat their addiction.

Our recovery plans are highly individualistic in nature so that all the unique requirements of our clients are addressed, and they can overcome their addictions with relative ease. Our dedicated staff is always there to help the clients whenever they hit a rough patch. At AKUA, we believe in perfection and strive to give the best possible care to those who seek help. 

Understanding Opioid Addiction

Opiate addiction has become an epidemic in the US over the past few years. Opiates are prescribed by doctors as painkillers and they also induce a feeling of euphoria which makes it a drug of choice for substance use disorders.

Understanding Heroin Addiction

Opioids are a class of drugs that includes prescription painkillers, including OxyContin, Vicodin, morphine, codeine, and fentanyl.

These drugs function as depressants of the central nervous system, which lessens a person’s perception of pain and promotes feelings of well-being.

These characteristics make opioid prescription drugs often prescribed to treat moderate to severe acute or chronic pain. Although many people utilize these medications for specific medical purposes, they also have extremely addictive qualities that can easily draw users into long-term drug misuse patterns.

Furthermore, some people may start using opioids without a valid medical reason because of the pleasurable side effects that come with it. When taken in doses more than the one prescribed, Opiates have dire effects on one’s body. Because these drugs are very addictive, they may also cause these people to develop harmful drug use habits and may have a devastating effect on a person’s life.

Opiate addiction has become an epidemic in the US over the past few years. Opiates are prescribed by doctors as painkillers and they also induce a feeling of euphoria which makes it a drug of choice for use.

When taken in doses more than the one prescribed, Opiates have dire effects on one’s body. There are three types of opiates:

Three types of opiates

  • Natural – Morphine and Codeine 
  • Semi-synthetic (Opioids) – Heroin, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphine, Oxycodone etc. 
  • Synthetic – Fentanyl, Methadone, Propoxyphene and Pentazocine 
To learn more about specific types of Opiates, you can refer to the links below:

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Causes and risk factors for opioid addiction

Even though opiate addiction is a universal problem, there are factors to consider while trying to identify what leads to it. The following should be considered:

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An individual’s vulnerability to developing an opioid use disorder is greatly increased by genetic variables. People who inherit a background with a family history of opioid abuse are more likely to experience the same kind of addiction.

Moreover, a person’s inclination to misuse substances may be inherited due to abnormal personality features and temperamental circumstances. 

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Addiction to opioids is more likely to occur in people who have an untreated or preexisting mental condition.

Those who are suffering from the negative effects of having a mental illness may find solace in the euphoria, lack of discomfort, and sense of disconnection from the outside world that comes with being high on opiates.

Furthermore, studies indicate that those with poor self-esteem are more likely to abuse opioids since the enhanced mood that opioids provide may give the impression that the user performs better in social circumstances. 

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A person’s propensity to misuse opiates may be increased by their exposure to opiate drugs. A person may also turn to opioids as a coping mechanism for stress due to a variety of environmental circumstances, including trauma, poor socioeconomic status, difficult interpersonal interactions, and financial instability.

Risk Factors

Signs and symptoms of opioid addiction

Individual differences exist in the indications and manifestations of opioid use disorder. Some or all of the following signs and symptoms may be present in someone with an opiate addiction may exhibit:

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Behavioral symptoms

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Physical symptoms

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Cognitive symptoms

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Psychosocial symptoms

Symptoms of Opiate Intoxication-Akua

Symptoms of Opiate Intoxication

When used for a long duration, Opiates may easily lead to addiction even if it is used as prescribed. Individuals who have been using opiates for a long time develop tolerance, meaning the same amount of drug will not have the same effect as it did in the beginning. This triggers the cycle of addiction and people start looking for ways to get the drug in larger quantities than prescribed to satisfy their need.

Some of the many symptoms manifested during opiate addiction are as follows:

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Physical Symptoms

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Other Symptoms

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Effects of opioid addiction

If an opiate addiction worsens, a person may experience a variety of negative consequences. As well as the immediate and extended health consequences, an addiction to opioids can impact various aspects of an individual’s life. Long-term opiate addiction can result in a variety of detrimental outcomes, including, but not limited to the following:

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Opioid Addiction and Dual Diagnosis

It is common for those with opiate substance disorder to also have another mental illness. Although not all individuals with addictions experience all of these conditions, an opiate addiction makes the user vulnerable to the following:

The successful recovery from opioid addiction may be jeopardized if appropriate treatment for dual illness is not also received.

Sadly, some with opioid substance disorder are unaware that they are also struggling with other health issues. This is the reason it is critical to seek assistance from a facility capable of recognizing and meeting the entirety of the addict’s situation.

A thorough dual diagnosis program can help you start along the road to a drug-free future.

AKUA and Heroin Addiction

AKUA Mind & Body Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

Treatment for co-occurring disorders aims at treating both the mental health disorder, and the substance use disorder with an integrative approach, including:

Effects of Opioid Withdrawal and Overdose

Effects of opioid withdrawal

Withdrawal from opioids can be extremely painful and unpleasant. It can even be fatal. Withdrawal usually starts within a few hours after the last dosage and may continue for several days. Any combination of the following symptoms could be experienced by someone going through withdrawal:

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Effects of opioid overdose

An opioid user runs the danger of suffering an overdose if they take opioids to the point where their body is unable to metabolize them. When opioids are used repeatedly, individuals acquire tolerance, which means their bodies require higher doses of the drug to produce the same effects. People are more likely to overdose when they continuously take more opioids to get the desired high. The following are just a few examples of warning indicators signaling a possible overdose of opioids:

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Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms

When one goes through opiate withdrawal, the symptoms may be similar to a flu. The withdrawal symptoms also include psychological effects along with physical ones. Opiate withdrawal is one of the most painful ones out of any type of drug withdrawal. 

Since opiates are high-power painkillers, once the usage is stopped, the pain returns creating severe pain. 

Some of the primary symptoms of Opiate withdrawal are: 

Why you should consider AKUA
for Opioid Addiction Treatment

FAQ: Common Questions About Opioid Addiction

Akua Mind Body offers addiction treatment programs in a residential, community-based setting. Our clients stay in our home-like program, with 24-hour supervision to ensure their safety and comfort. Inpatient drug rehab gives clients the best chance at lasting recovery through highly-structured care for those struggling with drug, alcohol and/or their mental health.

Many clients stop experiencing withdrawal symptoms 3 to 7 days after starting our detox program. While the experience may vary due to various factors, Akua Behavioral Health is committed to providing our clients with safe and comfortable detox.

Akua Behavioral Health works with most major insurance plans to ensure quality addiction treatment is accessible for our clients.

 AKUA works closely with most HMO, EPO, and PPO insurance plans including AmeriHealth, HumanaUnited Healthcare, Allcare Health, Highmark, UPMC Health Plan, and is In-Network with Anthem Blue CrossAetnaCignaHealthNetBlue Cross/Blue ShieldMagellanMolinaHMC Health Works, TricareBeacon Health OptionsIKWO, Western Health Advantage, Prime, Multi PlanEHNComPsychFirst Health Network, USAMCO, Triwest, and more.

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