Embracing your inner child

Embracing Your Inner Child: A Path to Improved Mental Health

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

As we grow older, we often become more serious and focused on the demands of adult life. However, it’s important to remember the joy and wonder of childhood. Embracing your inner child can actually help improve your mental health by promoting creativity, playfulness, and self-expression. 


As children, we were encouraged to be creative and imaginative. We were given coloring books and encouraged to make up stories and play make-believe games. As we grow older, we may forget the importance of creativity in our lives. By embracing our inner child, we can tap into our creative side and find new ways to express ourselves. 

Studies have shown that engaging in creative activities, such as drawing, painting, or playing music, can reduce stress and anxiety levels. It can also boost our mood and increase our feelings of happiness. 


Playfulness is an important aspect of childhood. We spent hours playing with friends, laughing, and having fun. However, as we grow older, we may feel like we need to be serious all the time. Embracing our inner child can help us to be more playful and spontaneous. 

Engaging in playful activities, such as playing board games, doing puzzles, or going to the park, can improve our mental health. Playfulness can help reduce stress, increase feelings of happiness, and improve our relationships with others. 


Children are often encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings freely. As we grow older, we may feel like we need to hide our emotions and put on a brave face. Embracing our inner child can help us to express ourselves more freely and authentically. 

By engaging in activities such as writing in a journal, practicing mindfulness, or talking with a therapist, we can explore our thoughts and feelings in a safe and supportive environment. This can help us to better understand ourselves and improve our mental health. 

 Take a moment today to embrace your inner child. Explore new ways to improve your mental health through creativity, playfulness, and self-expression. By reconnecting with the joy and wonder of childhood, you can find positive ways to express yourself, reduce stress, and increase feelings of happiness. So, be sure to make time to play, be creative, and express yourself freely. Your inner child will thank you! 

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