Helping You Achieve Lasting Recovery


5 Ways To Make Teletherapy Work For You

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Teletherapy, also called telemedicine is virtual counseling with a licensed professional through the phone or videoconferencing.

One of the main reasons why teletherapy was not as popular in the past is because insurance companies were hesitant to get on board. Now that teletherapy is the only way individuals are seeking therapy due to COVID-19, insurance companies have no other choice than to accept this new transition into the virtual world. After all, mental health is crucial, especially during these trying times, and AKUA Mind & Body provides a virtual mental health and substance abuse track for anyone living in California.

Today more than ever, psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers are shifting gears to provide remote therapy to new and existing clients. With changes come hurdles, but also new opportunities. Telemedicine is now allowing individuals to have more extensive access to mental health services from the comfort of their homes, cars, and offices.

Here are some ideas to help make teletherapy effective for you, whether you are currently in therapy, are returning to therapy, or are seeking treatment for the first time.

1. Set up a comfortable, private therapy space

Like your home office or your bedroom, your therapy space should be comfortable, quiet, relaxing, and private, without distractions, interruptions, or outside noise. A space where you feel at peace.

Try lighting a candle and propping yourself up against pillows. If you are in a pinch or do not have the luxury of having your own space, then get creative by finding privacy in your car, in a bathroom, or during a walk. You want to be able to express yourself and be honest with your therapist, and your privacy is a crucial component.

2. Discuss your concerns with your therapist

Are you nervous or hesitant about virtual therapy? If so, discuss this with your therapist. Ask questions and make sure you understand what teletherapy is and how it differs from traditional in-person treatment.

3. Take notes

Sometimes it can be overwhelming to remember everything you are your therapist discussed. Your therapist may or may not be taking physical notes during your session; however, they are documenting your progress in your chart after the meeting is over. Taking notes during your virtual therapy can help jog your memory and reflect on past therapy sessions.

4. Eliminate distractions

Turn off your phone, shut down any web browser on your computer, and silence your music. It is also important to tell others around you that you are in an important meeting, so they do not interrupt you with questions or concerns.

5. Acknowledge that this is a different experience

You are not in your therapist’s office, and you are not having a face-to-face conversation. Although this may seem like a huge change, it is important to recognize this may feel different initially, but you will get into a routine over time. Try not to resist this change but instead, acknowledge it and embrace it.

Benefits of Teletherapy

Improved stress management
Enhanced mood
Reduced anxiety and depression
Strengthened coping skills
Greater confidence in decision making
Increased support in relationships

AKUA Is Here For You!

No matter where you are in your journey to recovery, AKUA can help. We understand that life in recovery can be tough. If you are afraid of a relapse, seeking help for the first time, or trying to get back on track, we have a program for you.

We are committed to the health and safety of you and/or your loved ones, and we are FULLY OPEN & OPERATIONAL. At AKUA Mind & Body, the safety of our clients is our top priority. We are aware of the increased fear and anxiety among most people regarding the current pandemic. Hence, we are doing everything that we can to keep health and safety.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a mental health illness or substance use and addiction disorder, we can help now more than ever! AKUA Mind & Body provides an integrative treatment approach with multiple levels of care from detox and residential to virtual outpatient programs. With several facilities throughout the Sacramento Region, Los Angeles & Orange County Region, and San Diego Region, we aim to provide our clients with a solid foundation for healing and transformation. Gender-specific and Co-ed facilities are available.

Call our 24/7 admissions helpline to seek help today!

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