
10 Ways To De-Stress During COVID-19 Crisis

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

10 Ways To De-Stress During COVID-19 Crisis. Our world is hurting, but we still have kindness, compassion, and hope. We must take care of ourselves by making our physical and mental health a priority during this time. We must take care of our community, friends, and loved ones while still practicing social distancing.

Below are 10 simple way to de-stress during this COVID-19 crisis:

1. Limit your news consumption: Turning on your television, flipping through a newspaper, browsing the Internet, or logging into social media can be very stressful, primarily when everything is directed towards this deadly pandemic. We must stay informed, but we also must be cognizant of how we are staying informed. Limit your news intake to one hour a day and choose your news sources wisely
If social media has become too triggering for you, then take a social media break or hide any accounts that cause you stress and anxiety.
2. Stay connected: Yes, we must practice social distancing to literally save lives, but that does not mean we have to be isolated from our loved ones. Now is the best time to take advantage of our modern technology by staying connected through video calling programs.
We can also write letters through the mail, drop off care packages to our neighbors, and engage with each other on social media.
3. Learn to cook: Most of the world is forced to spend more time at home due to a nation-wide lockdown. This is an excellent opportunity to sharpen your cooking skills by learning new recipes or getting newly acquainted with your kitchen. Cooking is not only a great way to keep your body strong and healthy, but it is also a creative outlet to feed your soul and can drastically lighten the burden on your wallet. There is a plethora of free recipes online to get you started, and you can even share your cooking art with the world through social media. Load up on fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean meats, spices, and sauces and see what beautiful, tasty creations you invent.
4. Read a book: Reading can be an excellent stress reliever and a creative outlet. Books sharpen our minds, keep up informed, and are great conversation starters. Since libraries and bookstores are currently closed, we must get creative on finding new books to read. Search for free community book exchanges, check out free online audiobooks from the public library or borrow books from friends or neighbors. You can also purchase new and used books online.
5. Pick up a new hobby: Whether it’s learning to bake homemade bread, starting an indoor garden, learning to knit or sew or speak a new language, learning a new hobby is a great way to pass the time, get creative and de-stress.
6. Adopt a healthy skincare routine: We may not be able to go to a salon during these trying times, but we can still take care of our skin at home. Try a DIY facial, make a homemade mask, take a hot bath, purchase your skincare products from your favorite small business, and spend time pampering yourself at home.
7. Sleep: Sleep in, go to bed early, take naps, and enjoy the comfort of your bed. We live in a world where we are told we must be productive, we must always multitask, and we must always be “connected,” and as a result, we are sleep deprived and stressed. Now is the time to take advantage of slowing down and getting into a healthy sleep routine so we can restore our bodies and minds.
8. Physical exercise is a must: Exercise is one of the best stress relievers and a necessary outlet to keep our physical bodies and minds healthy. Although fitness studios, gyms, and many outdoor trails are closed, we can still exercise daily. Many yoga studios and fitness gyms are offering free online virtual classes so you can engage in your favorite workout from the comfort of your home.
9. Foster a pet: Many of the animal shelters are closed, and many individuals are sitting at home, stressed, and lonely. Fostering a pet is not only a great way to have a companion, but it also lessons the massive burden that animal shelters are experiencing during this time. Fostering a pet can give you a sense of comfort, responsibility, and companionship. Animal therapy is a great way to help with depression and anxiety, and there is no better way to calm your nerves than cuddling a kitty or walking a dog outside.
10. Stay in therapy: If you were attending treatment for a mental health or substance use disorder before this pandemic started, this is not the time to stop. This trying time can be especially triggering, and it is essential to stay connected with your therapist and treatment team. Most outpatient centers are offering virtual therapy to comply with social distancing guidelines. AKUA Mind & Body is and our clients are thriving.

Although, we cannot control the future or the outcome of this, we can do our small part in flattening the curve by staying home, practicing social distancing, washing our hands, and spreading love, kindness, and hope to those around us.

When this is over, may we never again take for granted a handshake with a stranger, a hug from a friend, sitting at an airport, full shelves at the grocery store, waiting in line, going to work, conversations with a neighbor, coffee with friends, sitting in the school drop off line, standing for the National Anthem in a crowded baseball stadium… daily life. When this comes to an end, may we find that we have become better keepers of quietness, better at sitting still, better at loving ourselves, and better at appreciating the smallest moments of our day. When this is over, may we have a greater love and appreciation for companionship, our environment, our health, and our freedom.

When this is over, may we be kinder to each other and become more like the people who we dreamt of being, and may we continue to live that way until the end of time.
We Are Here for You!

We are committed to the health and safety of you and/or your loved ones, and we are FULLY OPEN & OPERATIONAL. At AKUA Mind & Body, the safety of our Clients is our top priority. We are aware of the increased fear and anxiety among most people regarding the current pandemic. Hence, we are doing everything that we can to keep healthfulness and safety.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a mental health illness or substance use and addiction disorder, we can help now more than ever! AKUA Mind & Body provides an integrative treatment approach with multiple levels of care from detox, residential to virtual outpatient programs. With several facilities throughout the Sacramento Region, Los Angeles & Orange County Region, and San Diego Region, we aim to provide our clients with a solid foundation for healing and transformation. Gender-specific and Co-ed facilities available.

Call our 24/7 admissions helpline to seek help today!

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